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Sparta Community Unit School District #140

Phone: (618) 443-5331
Address: 203B Dean Ave, Sparta, IL 62286
Fax: (618) 443-2023
Illinois State Assessments
All Illinois public school systems must administer state-developed assessments to measure the academic yearly progress (AYP) of schools. The state of Illinois administers an annual assessment to students from Grades 3-8. The chart below provides guidance on the administration dates for both the PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers) as well as the ISA (Illinois Science Assessment). Students with cognitive challenges may be selected for administration of the alternate assessment known as DLM (Dynamic Learning Maps). This decision is based on factors and discussion of the IEP team. Students who do not speak English as their native language may be eligible for administration of the ACCESS for ELLs (ACCESS for English Language Learners) during the time they are developing their skills in English.
Public Act 099-0590
PA 99-590 was signed into law on July 22. The legislation requires each school district to report to ISBE information concerning the administration of assessments to students at each school. The law also requires schools to make public the information submitted through the school district's website or distribution in paper form. The law defines tests "scored by a non-district entity" as the focus of this data collection effort.
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